РастворProteolysis inhibitor (solution)

Pancreatitis (acute, exacerbation of chronic), pancreonecrosis. Performing diagnostic studies and operations on the pancreas (prevention of enzymatic autolysis of the pancreas during operations on it and nearby abdominal organs).
Prevention of acute non-specific postoperative parotitis.
Bleeding on the background of hyperfibrinolysis: posttraumatic, postoperative (especially in operations on the prostate gland, lungs), before, after and during childbirth (including embolism with amniotic fluid); polymenorrhoea.
Angioneurotic oedema.
Shock (toxic, traumatic, burn, haemorrhagic).
Extensive and deep traumatic tissue injuries.
As adjuvant therapy - coagulopathies characterised by secondary hyperfibrinolysis (in the initial phase, before the onset of the effect after the use of heparin and replacement of clotting factors); massive bleeding (during thrombolytic therapy), during extracorporeal circulation.
Prevention of postoperative pulmonary embolism and bleeding; fat embolism in polytrauma, especially in fractures of the lower limbs and skull bones.
DIC (except for the phase of coagulopathy), I and III trimesters of pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to aprotinin, hypersensitivity to bovine protein.
Индивидуальный, в зависимости от показаний и клинической ситуации. Вводят в/в в виде кратковременной или длительной инфузии.
В среднем начальная доза составляет 500 000 КИЕ, поддерживающая - 50 000 КИЕ/ч.
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Drugs in the category Therapy
Has contraindications. Needs specialist overview.